A Merchant and his Donkey

A Merchant and his Donkey

One beautiful spring morning, a merchant loaded his donkey with bags of salt to go to the market, in order to sell the salt. The merchant and his donkey were walking along together. They had not walked far when they reached a river on the way.

Unfortunately, the donkey slipped and fell into the river. As it scrambled up the bank of the river, it noticed that the bags of salt loaded on his back had become lighter.

There was nothing the merchant could do except return home, where he loaded his donkey with more bags of salt. As they reached the slippery riverbank again, the donkey fell into the river, this time deliberately. Thus the salt was wasted again.

By now the merchant knew the donkey's trick. He wanted to teach the animal a lesson. As he returned home the second time with the donkey, the merchant loaded bags of sponges on its back.

The duo set out on their trip to the market a third time. On reaching the river, the donkey very cleverly fell into the water again. But now, instead of the load becoming lighter, it became heavier.

The merchant laughed at the donkey and said, "You foolish donkey, your trick has been discovered. You should know that you cannot fool anyone too many times."

17 camels and 3 son

 Camels 17 and 3 Son

Long ago, there lived an old man with his three sons in a deserted village, located in the vicinity of a desert. He had 17 camels, and they were the main source of his income. He used to rent out camels as a means of shipping in the desert. One day, he passed away. He had left a will, leaving his assets for his three sons.

After the funeral and the other obligations were over, the three sons read the will. While their father had divided all the property he had into three equal parts, he had divided the 17 camels in a different way. They were not shared equally among the three as 17 is an odd number and a prime number, which cannot be divided.

The old man had stated that the eldest son will own half of the 17 camels, the middle one will get one third of the 17 camels, and the youngest one will get his share of camels as one ninth!

All of them were stunned to read the will and questioned each other how to divide the 17 camels as mentioned in the will. It is not possible to divide 17 camels and give half of the 17 camels to the eldest one. It is not possible also to divide the camels for the other two sons.

They spent several days thinking of ways to divide the camels as mentioned in the will, but none could find the answer.

They finally took the issue to the wise man in their village. The wise man heard the problem and instantly found a solution. He asked them to bring all the 17 camels to him.

The sons brought the camels to the wise man's place. The wise man added a camel owned by him and made the total number of camels 18.

Now, he asked the first son to read the will. As per the will, the eldest son got half the camels, which now counted to 18 / 2 = 9 camels! The eldest one got 9 camels as his share.

The remaining camels were 9.

The wise man asked the second son to read the will. He was assigned 1 / 3 of the total camels.

It came to 18 / 3 = 6 camels. The second son got 6 camels as his share.

Total number of camels shared by the elder sons   9 + 6 = 15 camels.

The third son read out his share of camels: 1 / 9th of the total number of camels  18 / 9 = 2 camels.

The youngest one got 2 camels as his share.

Totally there were 9 + 6 + 2 camels shared by the brothers, which counted to 17 camels.

Now, the one camel added by the wise man was taken back.

The wise man solved this problem smartly with his intelligence.

Intelligence is nothing but finding a common ground to solve an issue. In short, every problem has a solution. 

Hard work key to a gold mine


Once upon a time there was a very hard-working farmer. He had developed a grapery that used to give a rich crop of grapes every year. He had three sons but none of them bothered to help their father in his work. They were very easy-going kind of people. So, the farmer was very worried about their future.

One day, the farmer fell ill as of old age. He called his son and said, "Dear sons! I doubt my end is near and before dying I want to tell you that, in my grapery, there lies a hidden treasure. Dig it out after my death." Saying this, the old farmer died.

After performing the last rituals of their father, the sons began digging the vine-yard. They dug every inch of it but found nothing.

But the digging led to such a rich crop as had never been there before even when their father was alive.

So, the sons came to know what their father meant by hidden treasure. 
The End.. 

Have faith in God


Once a teacher had a disciple who used to live in a hermitage. One day, the disciple was going somewhere. He hadn't gone too far when suddenly it started raining cats and dogs. He returned and told this problem to his teacher. The teacher said, "You should have faith in god. He will save you from all problems."

The disciple obeyed and resumed his journey. He kept reciting the name of god and cleared all the hurdles.

Next day, the teacher had to go on the same route. When he reached a deep drain, he doubted whether god would save him or not. The teacher got drowned.

Thus, doubt drowns you and faith saves you.
The End.. 

Hard work always pays


Once two friends called Harry and Garry came to a city to earn money. They went to a rich merchant for a job. The merchant gave each of them a cane basket and pointing towards a well in his garden said, "Take these baskets and draw water from the well till dusk."

Harry thought it foolish to draw water in a cane basket. So, he slept. On the other hand, Garry kept working. After few hours, when he drew the basket up, he saw some gold coins in the basket.

He took them to the merchant who rewarded him and gave him a job too. Harry went away ashamed.
The End.. 

Habits die very hard


This is really surprising but it's a fact that all ants were human-beings to begin with. They lived by tilling soil and raising crops just as farmers do even today.

Dissatisfied with what they used to get through their labour, these farmers always had their eyes on the crops of their neighbours. Not only this, they even used to steal their crops whenever they got a chance and adding on to their own store.

The gods got highly offended by these acts and went to their chief- Jupiter to complain against the thieving farmers. He got so angry that he converted these farmers into ants.

Though the form of these farmers got changed, their habit of stealing is the same till today. The ants go about the corn-fields and gather grains not belonging to them.

This shows that one's nature seldom changes. 
The End.. 

Greed-A curse


Once upon a time there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg everyday. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person.

The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go. So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together.

So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open.

There was nothing but blood all around & no trace of any egg at all. He was highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg.

His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer & poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how much foolish he was.

So, the moral of the story is- one who desires more, looses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets. 
The End.. 

Friendship is strong weapon


It was hot summer. A lion went to a pool to drink water. Just then a pig also came there to quench his thirst. Both of them wanted to drink first.

They looked at each other with blood-shot eyes and attacked each other with so much anger that soon they started bleeding.
Feeling tired, both stopped for a while to be fresh. Suddenly, they heard the screams of vultures. They saw that a large number of vultures were looking at them with longing eyes.

In no time, both the beasts understood that the vultures were waiting for one of them to be killed by the other so that they might feed on his dead body.

So both of them became friends, quenched their thirst and went away.

Thus, their friendship saved their lives.
The End.. 

Fight always gives bad result


One day, two friends while walking along the road saw a nice rope lying by its side. Both wanted to have it and started fighting for it.

One held it from one end and the other from the other end. They started pulling the rope. Suddenly, the rope broke off from the middle. One of them fell in mud and the other in a drain.

A passerby who was watching all this, went to them and said, "Fighting for a thing always gives bad results." The friends felt ashamed of their deed.
The End.. fight 

Excess of anything is bad


Once upon a time there was a pasture near the edge of a forest. Shepherds of the nearby villages came there with their flocks. While the flocks grazed, the shepherds spent their time playing various games.

At the end of the pasture, there was a big tree having a big hollow but with a narrow opening to get in. the shepherds used to put their lunch packets in that hollow. In the afternoon, they took them out and enjoyed their mid-day meals together.

One day a hungry fox happened to come that way. He got the flavour of lunch packets and followed it to reach the hollow. His belly was sunk inside due to hunger. So, he was able to get inside the hollow without much difficulty.

He ate up the contents of all the lunch packets. His belly puffed up on both sides and he was not able to come out of the hollow. Soon the shepherds came there for their lunch packets. They found the fox there and gave him a sound beating. 
The End.. 

Every coin has two faces


Once upon a time a man and a lion were journeying together. To kill time they started talking. For some time they talked happily but then one of them began to boast of his prowess and claimed to be superior to the other. Soon the argument heated up and there was a fear of a fight.

Luckily, they came to a cross-road where a beautiful statue stood that showed a man strangulating a lion that looked helpless and was ready to die.

The man said, “Look there! Doesn’t it prove my point, Mr. Lion?”

The lion replied, “Its your view. But if we lion make statues, we shall show the man under the strong paws of a lion.”

The man had no words to reply. So, they both cooled down and moved ahead. 
The End.. 

Each picture has two sided


One day a mule was in a very playful mood. So, she began to frisk about and run over long distances. Thus she got convinced that she could outrun even the fastest animal on the earth.

While frisking, the mule thought, “My mother was a mare. She must have been a racer. That’s why I am able to run so fast.”

After some time, she got tire and wanted to take rest. So, she stopped running and stood still at a place.

The mule asked herself, “From whom have I inherited this fatigue?”

She thought hard and said to herself, “I must have inherited it from my father who was just a donkey. He used to carry heavy loads and was all the time exhausted.” 
The End.. 

Don't act hastily


One day, Victor was traveling through a train with his parents. All the time he was glancing at his new shoes that his father had bought for him. After some time, he removed his shoes to take a nap.

When he woke up, he found one of the shoes missing. He started crying loudly. His parents tried to console him. At last, his father promised that after reaching home, he would buy him a new pair of shoes.

Hearing this, Victor got so excited that he threw the other shoe out of the train. On reaching their destination, he found his lost shoe in a basket. He regretted for the loss he had incurred only because of his hurry.
The End.. 

Don't comply with wrong pleas


Once a bat fell down on the ground and was caught by a weasel. The weasel was about to kill it when it begged, "Spare me, please."

The weasel said, "I can't leave you because weasel and birds are enemies."

The bat argued, "I am not a bird. Don't I look like a mouse?"

The weasel agreed and let it go.

After few days, another weasel caught the bat. Again it prayed for mercy.

The weasel said, "I can't leave you. We never spare even a mouse.

"But I am not a mouse, I am a bird", argued the bat.

The weasel agreed and set it free. 
The End.. 

Disunity invites enemies


Once a frog lived in a marsh and nearby lived a mouse in a hole. They were good friends but one day they entered a dispute. Both of them claimed to be the owner of the marsh.

The frog was stronger than the mouse but the mouse was very clever. He hid himself under the grass, attacked the frog and harmed him a lot.

The frog, seeing this, decided to put an end to the dispute and challenged the mouse for a clash. Without any hesitation, the mouse accepted the challenge.

Both armed themselves with a point of reed to use it like a spear. Either of them was sure of their victory.

When they were about to start fighting, a hawk came there flying. Hovering in the sky, she saw the animals ready for a duel. So, she swooped down, caught them both in her claws and carried them away to feed her young.
The End.. 

Disguise never works


Once upon a time a donkey was grazing in a pasture just near the edge of a forest. After satisfying his appetite, he strayed into the forest. All of a sudden, he saw a lion-skin lying near a bush.

How happy the donkey was! He dreamt of passing himself as king of the forest after putting on the lion=skin. So, he took it up and wore it. Then he went near a pool and saw his image in the clear still water of the pool. He was delighted to see that he really looked like a lion now.

So, the foolish donkey pushed into the forest and walked in the style of a lion. Small animals like cat, mouse etc. thinking him to be lion, ran for their lives. This added to his self-confidence and he started walking more proudly.

Suddenly, the donkey saw a fox coming towards him. He tried his best to frighten the fox but the fox was clever enough and said, "I'll be scared at the roar of a lion and not when a donkey brayed whatever he may wear.

" The donkey threw away the lion-skin and ran to safety. 
The End.. 

Dangers need rescue not snub


Once a young boy went for a bath to a river. Unfortunately, he went beyond his depth and water lifted him off his feet. Feeling that he was about to drown, he started shouting for help.

A man was passing along the road just close by. He heard the shouts of the boy and rushed to the river-bank. He saw the boy in danger. Instead of saving him, the man started scolding him, "Why are you crying now? You are paying for your carelessness."

The boy cried, "Sir! Please, save me first otherwise I shall be drowned. You can scold me later on."

But the man was not wise enough to follow the point. He went on with his rebukes and the strong current carried the poor boy away. 
The End.. 

Cruel fun is no fun at all


Once upon a time there was a big pool of water near a village. It abounded with frogs. Every evening, the children of the village used to play near the pool.

One day, while playing, one of the boys saw few frogs swimming about in the shallow water. He felt amused on seeing them. He called his mates and said, "What a fun it will be to pelt stones at these frogs! They will run about to save themselves."

So, the boys started throwing stones at the poor frogs ruthlessly and laughed aloud while doing so. As a result, many frogs lost their lives. Seeing them lying dead, the boys laughed ever louder.

At last, a frog popped its head out of water and said, "I beg you to stop this fun. You don't know, your cruel sport means death to us."

Hearing the words of the frog, the boys ran awa 
The End.. 

Crave Moe .lose what you have


Once a lion was roaming in the jungle in search of a prey. Luckily, he saw a rabbit sleeping fast under a tree. He was delighted to get a meal with no efforts at all.

The lion was about to spring at the sleeping rabbit when he caught sight of a deer passing by. He thought of going for a bigger prey, as it would be a much nicer meal.

So, he chased the deer but failed to overtake it. He gave up the attempt and returned to the place where the rabbit was sleeping.

Reaching there, the lion saw that the small animal was no longer there. As it was getting dark, it was difficult for the lion to look out for another prey and so he had to remain hungry.

"I have been served right. Had I contented myself with the rabbit, I would not have starved at least", murmured the lion.

What we learn from this story is that greed for more causes loss of what one already has. 
The End.. 

Cost of the Bell


Everyday, a shepherd used to take his cows for grazing. He had tied a bell to each of the cows he had so that he could know where they were grazing. The best cow had a costly bell tied around her neck.

One day, a stranger was going through the pasture. Seeing the costly bell around the cow's neck, he went to the shepherd and asked if he would sell the bell.

Out of greed, the shepherd sold the bell. But now he could not know where his best cow was grazing.

On getting an opportunity, the stranger stole the cow. Thus, the shepherd lost his best cow just because of his greed.
The End.. 



One day, some youths went to a jungle to practice shooting. They kept few pots at a distance and targeted them. None of them could hit even a single pot.

A saint who was watching them started laughing. One of them went to him and asked, "Why are you laughing? Do you know how to shoot?"

At this, the saint took the gun and fired at the pots and smashed all of them one by one.

The youths were amazed to see this and asked the saint if he was a magician.

The saint replied, "I am neither a magician nor a sharpshooter. I just concentrated and the result is in front of you. One should always work with concentration."

The youths thanked him for the piece of advice.
The End.. 

Blind love Brings in I'll luck


Once upon a time a man used to live in a cottage at the edge of a forest. He had a daughter who was very beautiful.

A lion often used to see the pretty girl during his usual prowl and fell in love with her. So, one day, he went to the girl's father and asked for her hand.

The man was unwilling to give his daughter to a fierce husband. But he didn't have the courage to refuse and offend the lion. So, he thought hard and hit upon a plan.

He said to the lion, "My daughter is afraid of your teeth and sharp nails. She will marry you only if you let me have your teeth pulled out and your nails clipped.

" As the lion was blindly in love with the girl, he at once agreed to the demand without thinking of the outcome. As a result, the lion was totally disarmed. The girl's father beat him with a heavy stick and drove him away. 
The End.. 

Blind imitation is Bad


One day, a saint while going somewhere with his disciples saw a pond full of fishes, on the way. He stopped there and started filling his mouth with fish. The disciples followed their guru. The saint said nothing to them and after some time moved ahead.

Then they reached another pond, where there were no fishes. The saint stood at its shore and started taking out the fishes he had swallowed. When the disciples saw this, they were amazed and also tried to vomit out the fishes, but after many attempts, they could only take out some dead fishes.

At this, the saint said, "Fools, when you didn't know how to keep the fishes alive in the stomach, then why did you imitate me?"

Its truly said that never imitate anyone.
The End.. 

Blaming needs wisdom


Once a ship got caught in a violent storm. It wrecked and the waves cast it's wrecks on the sands of the shore. Among them was a sailor who lay senseless on the beach. When he came to his senses, he cursed the sea saying, "The sea is a cheat indeed. It attracts people with it's cool and calm waters and once they are in it's grip, it turns furious and destroys them."

Hearing his reproach, the sea felt pinched. But it didn't want to trouble the sailor anymore. So, it came to the sailor in form of a damsel.

"Who are you, O lovely lady?" asked the sailor.

"I am the sea and am as lovely as you see me now. You are blaming me for the wreck but it isn't just."
Surprised, the sailor asked, "Who is just then?"

The sea urged, "The wreck was caused by the cruel winds that blew into gusts and gales over me and created stormy waves in my calm waters."

The sailor had nothing to say except feeling sorry. 
The End.. 

Beware of shrewd. Neighbours


Once upon a time, it rained heavily for several days resulting to floods. Many houses collapsed and household articles got carried away with the flood-water.

As a matter of chance, two pitchers were also carried away by the flowing tide. One of them was made of grass while the other of baked clay.

The brass pitcher was so strong, that, it could be tossed against anything. But the clay pitcher was in ever-present danger of being broken if it got struck against something.

The clay pitcher was alarmed by the expectation of danger. The brass pitcher looked at it and said, "Brother! Be close to me ; I shall protect you in every way."

The clay pitcher thought wisely and retorted, "Brother! It would surely be worse for me, if we come closer. If I keep at a distance from you, I may float to safety."

So, the clay pitcher stood away from the brass pitcher and safely reached a shore. 
The End..