Does the dog know


Once there were two classmates Pat and Tom. One day, Pat went to Tom's house to borrow a book.

On the entrance, he found a dog standing. Seeing Pat, it started barking. Pat got frightened. Tom came running and held his dog. Pat was still breathing heavily.

At this, Tom said, "Pat, dogs who bark never bite."

Pat said, "you and I know this proverb, but this dog doesn't know."

Both the friends laughed heartily.
The End.. 

AN Unfair world


One day, a man while walking towards his office saw a beggar coming to him. The beggar was in a very bad condition. He was barefoot and his clothes were torn.

When the beggar asked for money, the man said, "Why don't you work? Don't you feel ashamed asking people for money?" at this the beggar replied, "I do feel ashamed asking for money. But once when I took money without asking, the police took me to jail."

The man had no answer to this. He went on his way to the office.
The End.. 

Only for love


Two donkeys who were friends, met at a crossroad. One donkey was healthy and the other malnourished. The healthy donkey asked the weak one, "What happen to you? Why do you seem so weak?"

The weak donkey replied, "My master makes me work the whole day and doesn't give me enough food to eat and also beats me."

"Oh" exclaimed the healthy donkey. "Then why don't you run away from your master's house."
He replied, "I think my job has better prospects. My master beats his only daughter, too. And whenever he does so, he says to her, "I'll marry you off to this donkey." For this reason I'm not running away."
The End..